
Breakdown by Jack L. Pyke
Breakdown by Jack L. Pyke

He has to fall pretty hard before he can climb back up to the point where he can understand what’s going on inside of him and actually heal or control things. Martin has been making more and more appearances, and Jack is now more aware of Martin’s existence. Jack was one messed up little dude, even before Vince got a hold of him. At first, I was disappointed that it wasn’t a continuation of Antidote, but I quickly realized what an integral part it plays to the overall story. It focuses solely on Jack and his recovery. While reluctant at first, Jack soon realizes the extent of the dark place he now finds himself and that he needs to either sink or swim. Halliday, Jack is committed to the Master’s Circle Psychiatric Unit. Jack seems to have made some headway in his recovery, but these guys really haven’t had a chance yet to fully deal with the events from Antidote, and things finally come to a head here. Unlike Antidote, which followed events in Don’t, Breakdown takes place near the end of Antidote when Jack’s illnesses and phobias cloud his mind and judgment where Gray is concerned. Review: If you have made it through the mysterious introduction of Don’t, fallen in love with and then had to suffer along side these guy through Antidote, then you are, no doubt, invested in Jack/Jan/Gray and eager to get your hands on this installment. Now Jack hurts more than he ever has before, Martin is back, and Jack has to figure out what Martin knows that Jack forgot, before it’s too late. Martin’s purpose is to drive everyone Jack fears – or loves – away, before they get the chance to hurt Jack again. Martin is the repository for Jack’s most horrifying memories, protecting him from the bloody tasks Jack can’t handle. Martin only comes out to play when Jack needs to hide, a psychopath as capable of ruining Jack’s life as he is of defending him. While locked away in a secret facility run by the Masters’ Circle, a new beast is unearthed from the depths of Jack’s tormented past. But with Jack trapped in his own mind, lost to blackouts and self-harming, getting away from Gray must take a back seat to getting away from himself.

Breakdown by Jack L. Pyke Breakdown by Jack L. Pyke

Available at: Forbidden Fiction, Amazon and All Romance Ebooksīlurb: The evidence is there in his hands: the DVD and notepad convincing Jack that Gray is responsible for his kidnapping and torture, tearing Jack and Jan brutally apart.

Breakdown by Jack L. Pyke